

Keynote - Alexander Pretschner - Technische Universität München
Do we care enough about “good” test cases?

Coffee Break

Session 1: Mutation and fault models
Paolo Arcaini, Angelo Gargantini and Elvinia Riccobene
Interactive Testing and Repairing of Regular Expressions
Ali Parsai, Serge Demeyer and Seph De Busser
C++ 11/14 Mutation Operators Based on Common Fault Patterns
Josip Bozic and Franz Wotawa
Security Testing for Chatbots (Short talk)


Session 2: Testing via models of the environment
Marlon Cardenas Bonett, Jorge Gomez-Sanz and Juan Pavon
An Architecture for Testing Ambient Assisted Living Systems (Short talk)
Teruhiro Mizumoto, Khaled El-Fakih, Keiichi Yasumoto and Teruo Higashino
An Energy Aware Testing Framework for Smart-Spaces
Franz Wotawa and Yihao Li
From Ontologies to Input Models for Combinatorial Testing

Coffee Break

Session 3: Model learning
Wishnu Prasetya and Minh An Tran
Neural Networks as Artificial Specifications, Revisited (Short talk)
Sebastien Salva, Elliott Blot and Patrice Laurençot
Combining Model Learning and Data Analysis to Generate Models of Component-based Systems (Short talk)


Session 4: Complete testing
Jorge López, Natalia Kushik, Asma Berriri, Nina Yevtushenko and Djamal Zeghlache
Test derivation for SDN-enabled switches: A logic circuit based approach
Aleksandr Tvardovskiia, Khaled El-Fakih and Nina Yevtushenko
Deriving Tests with Guaranteed Fault Coverage for Finite State Machines with Timeouts
Alexandre Petrenko and Florent Avellaneda
Inference and Conformance Testing of Embedded Components

Coffee Break

Session 5: Contracts and transformations
Silvia Bonfanti, Angelo Gargantini and Atif Mashkoor
Validation of code transformation from Abstract State Machine models to C++ code
Paul Bördng, Jan Haltermann, Marie-Christine Jakobs and Heike Wehrheim
JMCTest: Automatically Testing Inter-Method Contracts in Java
Nisha Desai and Martin Gogolla
Generating OCL Constraints from Test Case Schemas for Testing Model Behavior (Short talk)


Guided Visit

Gala Dinner


Invited Talk - Manuel Núñez - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
An introduction to formal testing (with applications)

Jacobo Silva - Deloitte
QA role in the digital transformation

Coffee Break

José Francisco Magallanes Fernández - Navantia Sistemas
Navantia Sistemas and its development model in V. The challenge of achieving the most reliable product in Naval Systems through a methodical testing process

Aitor Facio Valero - Navantia Sistemas, Kevin J. Valle Gómez - University of Cádiz
Application of abstract syntax tree techniques (AST) over automation tools of software unit tests. A practical case, improvement of Navantia Lategen Framework

Invited Talk - José Daniel Sánchez - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Improving correctness with contracts in C++20
